ClientEarth is an environmental action group with a unique approach: we hold corporations directly accountable in the court of law and the court of public opinion.

Our U.S. operation, staffed by a team of expert litigators, is committed to changing the destructive practices of America’s biggest companies. That hard-hitting strategy has a proven track record of success around the globe. ClientEarth has been taking giant corporations to court in more than 30 countries for over a decade. We’ve developed an unrivaled expertise in using corporate, environmental, and human rights law to change the way multinational companies do business—for the sake of our planet. 

ClientEarth does not shy away from challenging the world’s biggest corporations. We’ve taken legal action against Shell, Cargill, Saudi Aramco, KLM, Nestle, McDonald’s France, and many more. 

Just as important, we get results: we’ve exposed the greenwashing of some of the world’s biggest fossil fuel companies, brought about the end of Europe’s biggest coal plant, helped protect Africa’s last great rainforest from illegal logging and so much more.

ClientEarth is uniquely equipped to take a stand against destructive US companies and drive rapid, far-reaching change for the good of our planet.

Danielle Lackey

Executive Director

Our structure

ClientEarth USA is an independent 501(c)(3) organization that operates as part of the global ClientEarth network of branches, representative offices, subsidiaries and partners, working in over 60 countries, with a shared vision of a future where people and planet thrive together.  We adhere to the highest standards of transparency, integrity and accountability.

Our financials

ClientEarth is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. The top watchdog groups for charitable organizations recognize our commitment to transparency and efficiency. ClientEarth US earned a Four-Star Charity rating from Charity Navigator and a Candid Silver Seal of Transparency on Guidestar.

For every $1 ClientEarth spends*

  • 92% goes to our programs work directly helping people and planet
  • 3% go towards vital support and running costs
  • 5% go towards raising the next $1



Contact us

Write to us at: 

ClientEarth USA, 501 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 510, Santa Monica, CA 90401.

Media inquiries

For press inquiries about our work or to request an interview with an environmental lawyer or other spokesperson on environmental issues, email our press team at: or call us on: +1 310 361 7006.

General inquiries

If you have a general inquiry please contact our administration team at:  

Supporter inquiries

If you want to amend your monthly gift, please visit our Supporter Hub. For any other supporter related questions, please email 

Career inquiries

If you have a careers related question, please refer to the FAQs on our careers page before getting in touch. If you’re unable to find the answer to your question, email us at  

Legal inquiries

ClientEarth is funded by private donors and foundations to undertake specific legal work. Although we do not typically provide legal advice to members of the public, we are always interested in understanding what environmental challenges people are facing, to keep updated of developments and better inform our strategies. Where possible, we do our best to assist. Please be advised that emailing ClientEarth does not create a attorney-client relationship and does not give rise to the benefit of privilege. Please exercise caution when sharing highly confidential or legally privileged materials.

Raising concerns or complaints 

At ClientEarth, we are committed to the highest standards of transparency, integrity, and accountability. We look to ensure the best value for our work and to maximize impact, as expected by our staff, partners and supporters. In the event that we fall short of these standards however, we want to hear about it. This is why we have TellUs, ClientEarth’s reporting channel - so that our staff, partners, and supporters can voice any concerns or complaints that relate to ClientEarth, and concern (suspected) breaches of law (e.g., corruption, sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment) or of our policies or values (e.g. our Value-for-Money Policy), our fundraising or advertising practices (e.g. misuse of funds or inaccurate, deceptive, or offensive campaigns), or other forms of misconduct (e.g. unethical or improper conduct, complicit or obstructive conduct).

We foster a culture in which our staff, partners, and supporters feel comfortable coming forward to report concerns or complaints without fear of retaliation, and with the confidence that these reports will be appropriately addressed. This prompts ClientEarth to conduct a full and fair investigation, allowing us, where necessary, to remediate wrongdoing, to improve our internal policies and processes, and to document reports and their follow-up. Of course, TellUs should not be used to make false accusations, or to report information known to be untrue. 

While we encourage you to include your contact details in any reports you make, to facilitate communication and follow-up measures, you can also report anonymously if you feel more comfortable.

To report a concern or complaint, or to get more information on how our reporting channel works, take a closer look at our TellUs landing page: ClientEarth | Home (